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هل تحب ان تتكلم عن الديانات و عن الله؟
زر موقعنا ’ الرأي و الرأي الاخر’
الانجيل أم القران؟.الشريعة أو الحب؟العدل أم الكدب؟.
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شاركو معنا ارائكم وتجاربكم في احدا هده المجالات
He still comes in well in the Arab world, our old leader Adolf Hitler. Because Iam German I often have been contacted in Morocco on him and the opposite of my thumb goes up. You can find good things he did. Today I am sitting in a round with 5 young unemployed Moroccans and use the opportunity to ask once more, as a Hitler praised.
ReplyDeleteOur conversation about Hitler and other "evil" and "good" men. We are talking very, very simple, because we all can not particularly good English.
Moroccans: "Do you like Hitler?"
Der Kober: "No, he is evil. He is a killer. He killed millions of people. He has started the war."
Moroccans: "Do you like Saddam Hussein?"
Der Kober: "No, he was evil like Hitler."
Moroccans: "And Gandhi?"
Der Kober: "I like him. He has done much good. India has exempted from England, without beating anyone, without war, without weapons."
Moroccans: "And Osama Bin Laden?"
Der Kober: "No!"
Moroccans: "And Bush?"
Der Kober: "No."
Moroccans: "And Obama"
Der Kober: "I hardly know him. He did not govern for long. Let's talk about him in two years. Hitler, why do you like?"
Moroccans: "He was good."
Der Kober: "What is good to Hitler?"
Moroccans: "He killed many Israelis."
Der Kober: "What is it good?"
Moroccans: "Arabs hate Israelis. Israelis are evil."
Der Kober, "Why?"
Moroccans: "They are killers."
Der Kober: "You like killers like Hitler and Bin Laden. Where's the difference?"
Moroccans: ... silence ...
Der Kober: "Do you like friends?"
Moroccans: "Yes."
Der Kober: "Do you like enemies?"
Moroccans: "No."
Der Kober: "Friends you win with love, if you do good to people. Enemies, you win with war and guns."